Amon my Own: the untold stories of my people is an anthology of remarkable stories of patients whose lives reflect the mores of our society. The author, a physician at a busy public hospital, treats patients from every stratum of Pakistani society and its wide spectrum of cultures. The unseen world of human nature opens up to the perceptive doctor who is considered by patients as ‘mai baap’, and with whom intimate details of life and family can be shared. Even trivial incidents reveal the underlying incongruities of human behavior, reflecting tragedy, comedy or pathos in their lives.
The stories, written in simple and readable style, reveal the understanding and compassion of the author.
Reader’s Club has arranged a scheduled weekly Zoom meeting of Readers’ Club to discuss this book, and you are invited to participate in this meeting.
Readers’ Club is inviting you to
a scheduled weekly Zoom
meeting of Readers Club.
Thursday 24th November 2022
at 6:00 PM
Readers Club Session # 925
Name of the book. Among my own.
Author. DR Naseem Salahuddin.
Presenter. Rehana Alam.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 9643 6196