Become a Member

  • You learn to improve your clinical acumen, understand laboratory diagnostics and learn proper use of antimicrobial agents.
  • You receive the peer reviewed quarterly Infectious Disease Journal of Pakistan, which is an asset to understanding indigenous Infectious Disease problems of Pakistan.
  • You receive emails that keep you informed about new and emerging Infectious disease issues both locally and worldwideyou become part of the “think tank” on ID issues and help create a scientific environment.

Medical graduate registered with PMDC and holding postgraduate qualification in any specialty.

  • Life Time Membership Fee: For Consultants: Rs.5,000/- and For Others: Rs.3,000/-

Bsc in Nursing and allied medical science, MSc, M. Phil, Ph. D, DVM, Pharma. D, DCH
Life time membership Fee : Rs. 3,000/-

Full Member: Shall have the right to:

  • Participate in all activities of the society.
  • Receive all publications including quarterly ID Journal of Pakistan.
  • Vote According to constitution of the society.

Associate Members: Shall Have the right to:

  • Participate in all activities of the society.
  • Receive all publications including quarterly ID Journal of Pakistan.

Please send your completed application form and return by hand or by mail. Membership fee will only be received in cash / Cross Cheque / pay order or bank draft made out to “Infectious Disease Society of Pakistan” Please obtain receipt and membership number. You will receive a plastic coated membership card after one week.